Fornix blog

Ce qui influence le flux de tes menstruations

What influences the flow of your periods

 Menstruation is a natural and essential part of the reproductive cycle for people who menstruate. However, the volume of menstrual flow can vary a lot from person to person and...

What influences the flow of your periods

 Menstruation is a natural and essential part of the reproductive cycle for people who menstruate. However, the volume of menstrual flow can vary a lot from person to person and...

Ton guide pour mieux vivre tes menstruation en camping

Your guide for better periods while camping

Do you like camping, hiking or even backpacking? You don't need to change your habits, even during your period. Menstruation shouldn't be an obstacle to your pleasure! Here are some...

Your guide for better periods while camping

Do you like camping, hiking or even backpacking? You don't need to change your habits, even during your period. Menstruation shouldn't be an obstacle to your pleasure! Here are some...

La vérité sur 10 mythes à propos du disque menstruel

The truth about 10 myths about the menstrual disc

You've probably heard of the menstrual disc, this little wonder designed to revolutionize your menstrual routine. But maybe some myths and misconceptions are stopping you from getting started. Don't worry,...

The truth about 10 myths about the menstrual disc

You've probably heard of the menstrual disc, this little wonder designed to revolutionize your menstrual routine. But maybe some myths and misconceptions are stopping you from getting started. Don't worry,...

Nos meilleurs trucs pour explorer ta sexualité durant tes menstruations

Our best tips for exploring your sexuality duri...

Your periods should not be a hindrance to your sexual development, on the contrary, they can be an open door to a deeper connection with yourself and your partner. So,...

Our best tips for exploring your sexuality duri...

Your periods should not be a hindrance to your sexual development, on the contrary, they can be an open door to a deeper connection with yourself and your partner. So,...

Personne ayant des menstruations / Menstruator

Your guide to understanding the 4 seasons of yo...

You know that feeling, that sensation that fluctuates, that energy that rises and falls like the waves of the ocean? Maybe it's more than just a feeling; perhaps it's your...

Your guide to understanding the 4 seasons of yo...

You know that feeling, that sensation that fluctuates, that energy that rises and falls like the waves of the ocean? Maybe it's more than just a feeling; perhaps it's your...

L’endométriose expliquée : de la détection aux solutions possibles

L’endométriose expliquée : de la détection aux ...

According to Endometriose Québec, 1 in 7 women* suffer from this chronic disease. Other studies also suggest that a woman could wait up to 8 years before receiving a clear...

L’endométriose expliquée : de la détection aux ...

According to Endometriose Québec, 1 in 7 women* suffer from this chronic disease. Other studies also suggest that a woman could wait up to 8 years before receiving a clear...